Do cowboy boots make your feet stink? (Explained) 

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Foot odor can be a real problem, especially when you’re on your feet all day. Will wearing cowboy boots give you smelly feet? 

If your boots stink, what can you do? Do you have to wear socks? Will wearing cowboy boots cause other foot problems?

If you have questions about foot odor and cowboy boots, you’ll find the answers you need below. 

Sweaty feet can be an issue when you wear boots, but thankfully, there are plenty of ways to prevent and deal with this problem.

Do Cowboy Boots Make Your Feet Stink?

Cowboy boots won’t always make your feet smell, but they can make your feet sweaty, which can lead to foot odor. 

Do Cowboy Boots Make Your Feet Stink?
Do Cowboy Boots Make Your Feet Stink?

This can be an issue with any type of closed shoe. 

Sweat is less likely to be a problem if you choose shoes made from natural, breathable materials, like leather boots with a fabric lining.

You can also reduce issues with sweat by wearing absorbent, moisture-wicking socks beneath your boots. 

Make sure that your boots fit you properly; ventilation can be an issue with tight boots.

Choose comfortable boots that give your feet plenty of room to breathe.

When you take your boots off at the end of the day, you should give them a chance to dry. You can place your boots next to a dehumidifier or invest in a boot dryer.

Drying out your boots can evaporate sweat inside them, which can keep odor-causing bacteria from spreading.

How Do You Get the Smell out of Cowboy Boots?

How Do You Get the Smell out of Cowboy Boots?
How Do You Get the Smell out of Cowboy Boots?

If your cowboy boots already smell like sweaty feet, you can neutralize the odor by sprinkling a handful of baking soda in each boot. 

Let the boots sit overnight, and then shake out the baking soda. It can absorb odor-causing molecules, leaving your boots smelling fresh again.

If you don’t have baking soda on hand, you can do the same thing with dryer sheets. Right after you remove your boots, line them with dryer sheets and let them sit for at least 12 hours.

If you put the dryer sheets inside your boots while they’re still warm, they’ll be able to absorb more sweat.

Is It Okay to Wear Cowboy Boots Without Socks?

You can wear cowboy boots without socks, but your feet will be more likely to sweat. 

Is It Okay to Wear Cowboy Boots Without Socks?
Is It Okay to Wear Cowboy Boots Without Socks?

One way to counteract this is to put moisture-wicking insoles inside your boots. The insoles will absorb some of the moisture from your feet, reducing sweat and odor.

Remember that not all insoles are created alike; gel insoles could actually cause your feet to sweat more.

Only use absorbent insoles, and change them out as soon as you start to notice an odor. With the right insoles, you can skip socks and minimize foot sweat.

Is Wearing Cowboy Boots Good for Your Feet?

Cowboy boots can be great for your feet, but it’s important to remember that not all boots are the same. High-quality leather boots can keep your feet comfortable and provide support throughout the day. 

Is Wearing Cowboy Boots Good for Your Feet?
Is Wearing Cowboy Boots Good for Your Feet?

Cheap boots made from faux leather, on the other hand, won’t let your boots breathe.

If you wear cowboy boots on a regular basis, it’s worthwhile to invest in a pair of well-made boots that meet your needs.

Look for leather with a heel between 1 and 1.5 inches.

A boot with a higher heel could put pressure on your knees and interfere with your walking stride.

Have your feet and calves measured before buying boots to make sure that your boots aren’t too tight. If your boots are too tight to bend at the calf, it could cause muscular pain.

Once you find the right boots, take the time to break them in before you wear them for long stretches of time.

Final Thoughts

Cowboy boots can cause your feet to sweat, which can cause foot odor. 

Thankfully, odor is less likely to be an issue with breathable leather boots. Moisture-wicking socks and insoles can also help to minimize sweating and bad smells. 

If your boots still wind up smelling, you can take care of the odor with a little baking soda or dryer sheets.

It’s normal for feet to sweat, but with a few precautions, you can keep your feet from stinking up your favorite pair of cowboy boots.

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