How to wash levi 501 jeans without shrinking? (Explained)

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How to Machine Wash Levi 501 Jeans Without Shrinking

To avoid shrinking your Levi 501 jeans, you should turn them inside out, wash cold with mild detergent, and line dry them.

It is possible to wash your Levi 501 jeans without shrinking them. Turning them inside out doesn’t help prevent shrinking, but it does help protect the color, so it is recommended to do so before washing.

Hot water causes jeans to shrink, so using cold water is one of the most important steps for washing your Levi 501 jeans without shrinking them.

Not only does cold water protect the jeans from fading, but it also prevents shrinkage. 

Another aspect of machine washing that causes shrinkage is the speed of the spin cycle.

When washing your jeans, turning the machine to a gentle cycle is important to ensure a low spin speed and prevent shrinkage.

After washing, it is vital to allow Levi 501 jeans to air dry. The heat from the dryer can cause severe shrinkage.

If you are worried about creases, wrinkles, or excess water, you can place the jeans in the dryer for a maximum of 10 minutes on low to medium heat.

After 10 minutes, remove the jeans, turn them right side out again, and hang them on a clothesline or lay them on a drying rack.

Jeans can take up to two days to completely dry, so this part takes planning and patience.

How to Hand Wash Levi 501 Jeans Without Shrinking

Washing your Levi 501 jeans by hand in the sink or bathtub in cold water with mild detergent and allowing them to air dry prevents shrinkage. 

How to Hand Wash Levi 501 Jeans Without Shrinking

To wash Levi 501 jeans by hand, you will need to fill a tub or sink with cold water.

As with machine washing, hot water can cause shrinkage, so it is important to wash the jeans in cold water.

Mild detergent is recommended for hand washing and machine washing to help the jeans maintain color and quality.

When washing by hand, only a tablespoon of detergent is recommended.

If you use too much, it will be more difficult to rinse out of the jeans. 

Once you have added the detergent to the cold water, place the jeans into the water, submerging them.

Allow the jeans to soak for about 15 minutes. After the jeans have soaked, drain the water from the sink or tub, and refill with clean, cold water.

Next, gently move the jeans around in the water to remove any excess soap, take the jeans out of the water, and empty the sink or tub again. If there is still soap on the jeans, you may have to repeat this step.

Once you are confident the soap has been rinsed from the jeans, hang the jeans on a clothesline or drying rack to air dry. Again, this can take up to 2 days. 

How to Clean Your Levi 501 Jeans Without Washing

The Levi company suggests only washing your 501 jeans once every 10 years!

How to Clean Your Levi 501 Jeans Without Washing

They suggest spot cleaning the jeans with a toothbrush and mild soap to maintain fabric quality and prevent shrinkage.

To fully prevent shrinkage, you can target dirt and stains on your jeans with a toothbrush and mild soap. Simply mix a small amount of soap with water, dip the toothbrush in the mixture, and gently scrub the stain.

Afterward, take a damp washcloth to wipe away any excess soap and hang your jeans on a line to dry. This method helps prevent shrinkage and allows the jeans to form unique creases and folds that fit your body. 

Final Thoughts

You can handwash or machine wash Levi 501 jeans without shrinking them by using cold water, mild detergent, gentle movements, and avoiding the dryer. 

Whether you hand wash or machine wash your Levi 501 jeans, there are methods to prevent shrinkage. As long as you use cold water and avoid the dryer’s heat, your jeans should remain the same size for as long as you own them.

Mild detergents and gentle movements can also prolong the life of your jeans by maintaining color and avoiding damage to the fibers.