How to keep cowboy boots from rubbing leg? (Explained!)

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How to keep cowboy boots from rubbing leg?

If you’re wondering how to keep your cowboy boots from rubbing against your leg, then you’ve come to the right place. 

Having your leg be rubbed raw from some leather cowboy boots is no fun. In order to prevent this from happenind, you’ll have to wear very long socks that go all the way up to your knees, and give the boots ample time to break in. 

Over the course of several wearing sessions, you should start to notice that your boots will start to become a lot more comfortable and tolerable as you walk around.

Speaking of breaking in cowboy boots, let’s take a quick look at how to do that really fast so you can stop them from rubbing against your leg!

How do you break in cowboy boots fast?

How do you break in cowboy boots fast?

Let’s talk about how to break in cowboy boots fast and effectively. The simple solution is frankly to start wearing them all over the place.

Wearing cowboy boots is the most natural way of letting them quickly form to the size of your feet and calves. 

The leather material that cowboy boots are made from is initially quite stiff, but over time it becomes soft and maleable.

This means that as you make it a habit of just wearing them all around town, they will very quickly start to loosen up quite a bit 

Having cowboy boots loosen up on you will feel great, and certainly protect your legs from the constant irritation of having the leather hit your extremeties.

Now that we’ve briefly covered how you can quickly break in your boots to properly adjust to your leg, let’s take a quick look as to why your boots may be hard to fit into intitially. 

Why do some cowboy boots rub against your leg?

If you’re wondering why some cowboy boots may be rubbing against your leg, the reasoning is quite simple.

It’s just that as you purchase a new pair, they are essentially made of a stiff type of leather that takes a lot of conditioning by wearing them around all over.

This means that the leather is very hard to fit even your feet into them at least at first glance, but over time the leather will start to obtain moisture and overall wear to them that will make them very easy to stretch.

Speaking of stretching you boots out, let’s answer the qeustion as to how you can go about doing so.

How can I stretch the calf of my cowboy boots?

How can I stretch the calf of my cowboy boots?

In order to properly break in and stretch out the calf of your cowboy boots, simply try wearing them everywhere you go. 

This may seem obvious, but is the most natural way of letting them properly form to your particular size and shape of legs and feet. 

There are probably some aftermarket and manual ways of trying to stretch out the leather of your boots, but you run the risk of either over stretching or even ripping your boots apart.

Always go the natural route!

Final thoughts

If you’re tired of having your cowboy boots rubbing against your leg, then have no fear.

One of the most simple fixes to this issue is simply just wear them practically everywhere you go.

This is the most natural and efficient way of letting them form to your individual profile.

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