Do cowboy boots keep your feet warm? (Explained)

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They most certainly do! 

Between the high-quality leather they are constructed with and the comfortable inner lining, cowboy boots just scream warmth. 

This is exactly what you need on those cold crisp days, whether or not you are actually a cowboy! 

Want to know more? Keep on reading this article!

Can you wear cowboy boots in the winter?

If it is just cold temperatures, then yes cowboy boots are fine. They do best when they are kept away from rain and snow.

Can you wear cowboy boots in the winter?
Can you wear cowboy boots in the winter?

Although they are water-resistant, they are not waterproof. This means prolonged exposure to wet precipitation can make the leather crack.

On the other hand, cowboy boots can insulate your feet in rain and snow and keep them warm and dry. 

If you use products made to extend the life of the leather, then you can wear them in wet conditions. Just be aware that you might need to replace them more frequently than if you avoid water. 

Examples of people who wear cowboy boots during winter

Examples of people who wear cowboy boots during winter
Examples of people who wear cowboy boots during winter

There are several to speak of. 

You can be sure these people wear their boots all year long. Mind you, the following list presents merely some examples.

  • Cowboys/cowgirls
  • Ranch hands
  • Truck drivers
  • People who ride horses often
  • People who live in cold weather climates
  • People who work on farms or in barns
  • Rodeo workers
  • Rodeo participants

Buy the right type of boots to begin with

Buy the right type of boots to begin with
Buy the right type of boots to begin with

One key to having your cowboy boots survive cold, wet weather is to buy the right ones in the first place. 

Back when cowboy boots were new this would not have been possible. 

However, today many manufacturers make models that are much better in wet, icy conditions.

These boots will stand up to the trials they undergo.

Ideally, you should own many pairs of cowboy boots. Types to include are those meant for standing up to extraordinary amounts of water as well as your boots can also work well for dressy occasions.

How do you keep your feet warm inside cowboy boots?

How do you keep your feet warm inside cowboy boots?
How do you keep your feet warm inside cowboy boots?

First, make sure you have at least one pair that is lined on the inside. Some models of cowboy boots are lined and some are not. 

Check the insides of the boots before you buy them to be certain they are lined.

Your feet will be toasty warm inside your lined cowboy boots.

The other thing you can do is wear warm socks inside your boots. Your feet will sweat even in icy cold weather.

Wearing socks will help protect your sweaty feet from becoming cold and frost-bitten. It is possible to buy ultra-warm socks made for harsh cold temperatures.

Then your feet will stay warm inside your cowboy boots.

Are cowboy boots good for heat?

Here is the opposite scenario from what we have been discussing. Are cowboy boots good to wear in the heat? It might seem like a silly idea to do that.

Are cowboy boots good for heat?
Are cowboy boots good for heat?

But consider this. People who regularly wear cowboy boots do so all year round, even in hot weather. Why? Keep reading!

We spoke of how cowboy boots will protect your feet from harsh cold winter weather.

They will also protect your feet from the scorching hot summer temperatures and direct sunlight. 

In the case of summer heat, you would probably not want to wear models that have a warm lining. Instead, you would opt for plain, unlined cowboy boots.

Fortunately nowadays, they come in many varieties, so there is at least one appropriate pair for every season.

Final thoughts

Back in the early days of cowboy boots they were really only made with the idea of showing them off at fine social gatherings.

Today, there have to be at least a few hundred different pairs of all styles and qualities. 

This means you can buy some that are perfect for extreme cold as well as other models that are great for extreme heat.

If you just want to look stylish at that fancy gala you are going to, there are still cowboy boots on the market for that. 

There is no limit on how many pairs you can own. Buy as many as you like and have a great time wearing them!

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