Can you wear brown boots with black cowboy hat? (Explained)

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The cowboy hat. It’s one of the most noticeable pieces of clothing out there. It shields the wearer from sun and rain, and also brings out the rugged coolness in just about anybody.

Yet, are there unspoken rules for wearing one?

In this article, we’ll go over some dos and don’ts regarding the famous (and somewhat infamous) cowboy hat, other things you can wear to match it, and what certain hat colors can mean.

What are the rules regarding the color of cowboy hats? 

Color won’t matter as much, but the rules of wearing cowboy hats will. 

What are the rules regarding the color of cowboy hats? 
What are the rules regarding the color of cowboy hats? 

Unless specified by a unique group of cowboy hat wearers, feel free to wear any hat color you want.

Traditionally, colors don’t mean much, and whatever color your hat is depends on personal preferences.

For hot summer days, you’ll be better off wearing a hat that’s a light color, so that most of the sun’s rays will reflect off your head.

This will help cool your overall body temperature. In contrast, black hats absorb the most heat, inevitably warming you up the more sun you get.

Now, when it comes to cowboy hat behavior, there are a few unspoken rules you might be expected to follow.

For example, if you’re attending church for any reason, take your hat off while inside the building.

If you live in the US, it’s considered respectful to also remove your hat during the Pledge of Allegiance, Passing of the Flag or during the National Anthem. In some areas, it’s polite for men to take their cowboy hats off (or simply tip them) when introducing themselves to a lady.

It’s also considered good manners to place your cowboy hat upside down whenever you take it off.

The origins of this practice might be practical in nature, as placing it that way will prevent the brim from flattening and help maintain the hats’ original shape.

What does a black cowboy hat symbolize? 

In short, it can represent evil.

What does a black cowboy hat symbolize? 
What does a black cowboy hat symbolize? 

Traditional western films used white cowboy hats for good guys, while black cowboy hats were worn by the baddies.

Even today’s media has used the black cowboy hat to emphasize the evilness of just about any antagonist.

Other popular bad guys such as Darth Vader and the Wicked Witch of the West also wore black headwear to represent their badness.

This isn’t to say you’ll become a villain in the eyes of others should you decide to wear one. In fact, the black cowboy hat is the most popular of its kind for both ladies and men.

Should you wear brown boots with a black cowboy hat? 

You don’t have to, but the combination will work!

Should you wear brown boots with a black cowboy hat? 
Should you wear brown boots with a black cowboy hat? 

Either a black or white cowboy hat will match with just about any other color.

If you want to rock a black hat and brown boots combo, go for it.

With that being said, it’s usually a good idea to avoid bright colors for your boots and other accessories such as your tie.

You want some contrast, but anything too stark such as wearing bright red boots with your black cowboy hat will raise eyebrows.

Who should consider wearing brown boots with a black cowboy hat? 


Who should consider wearing brown boots with a black cowboy hat? 
Who should consider wearing brown boots with a black cowboy hat? 

Unless the dress code at a formal gathering states otherwise, anyone can pull off brown boots and a black cowboy hat combination.

The dark colors simply work well together in just about any setting.

However, for any event that has no western elements to speak of, it might be better to leave your hat and boots at home in favor of something else.

You want to dress to impress. That’s understandable, but it also matters if you dress appropriately for the occasion.

Does cowboy hat color matter? 

It depends on certain holidays and what else you wear.

As discussed before, the color can affect your body temperature depending on the season.

Does cowboy hat color matter? 
Does cowboy hat color matter? 

Practicality aside, you can wear just about any cowboy hat color you choose, but pulling off a good look can become much harder the more western you want to appear.

In some cases, it’s more appropriate to wear white straw cowboy hats during Memorial Day through Labor Day.

You’ll also fit in better if you wear a hat that corresponds to the color of your favorite sports team during a game.

When wearing other western-style clothes with your hat, the general rule of thumb is to compliment it with similar colors.

Black cowboy hats will look better with darker colors, and vice versa when considering lighter colors.

Remember the word compliment, meaning you want your outfit to stand out, but not too much (think bright neon colors or something equally weird).

Does a cowboy hat have to match the boots? 

Not really, but it would be a good idea. 

A black cowboy hat will go well with black cowboy boots, or even a brown pair.

Does a cowboy hat have to match the boots? 
Does a cowboy hat have to match the boots? 

What’s more important, however, is the theme you’re trying to achieve. If you’re wearing a cowboy hat of any color in public, others will expect to see you wearing a slick pair of cowboy boots to match.

These two items tend to go together like bread and butter, it’s simply how the get-up has come to be.

Final Thoughts

Cowboy etiquette can be important, but something even more crucial is matching your cowboy hat with appropriate colors and style.

Aim to be admired, not mocked.