Can I wear cowboy boots on a plane? (Explained)

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You have an important flight coming up.

After planning out accommodations for your arrival, buying your ticket, and packing all your luggage, a question still nags at you. You want to wear some cowboy boots for your trip, but can you?

In this article, we’ll discuss the details surrounding this traditional type of footwear when going through checkout and flight.

Should I wear cowboy boots on a plane? 

That’s up to you. 

Should I wear cowboy boots on a plane? 
Should I wear cowboy boots on a plane? 

It’s not so much a matter of whether you should or not, but if you’re allowed to.

The TSA themselves stated that all boots and shoes are allowed on planes, so if you want to rock the boots of a cowboy, go right ahead! However, if there’s any steel or metal inside your boots, it’s more than likely that TSA agents will ask you to remove your footwear while passing through check out.

One exception is if your boots have something dangerous on them, such as decorative metal spikes.

Anything that the TSA deems as a sharp object might require you to pack your boots with checked luggage.

Why would I wear cowboy boots on a plane? 

Some say it’s more comfortable.

Chances are that flights will take hours on end to get from one place to another. It helps to have footwear that you can keep on the entire way.

Why would I wear cowboy boots on a plane? 
Why would I wear cowboy boots on a plane? 

Some sources say that cowboy boots are more comfortable than any other shoe.

It’s also important to note that keeping on any kind of boot or shoe will make your feet stinky and sweaty.

Cowboy boots are known to avoid this problem, and will simply smell like “leather” no matter how long you wear them for.

Can airline pilots wear cowboy boots? 

Pilot dress codes usually don’t permit them.

Can airline pilots wear cowboy boots? 
Can airline pilots wear cowboy boots? 

Most pilots today have to abide by an approved uniform rule that doesn’t allow cowboy boots or “Stetsons” while flying. This wasn’t the case before the 1930’s, where wearing boots would’ve been the norm for most pilots.

The present-day rule, however, was formed under a “Collective Bargaining Agreement,” with most airline companies signing on.

It’s possible that there’s a pilot or two that will wear cowboy boots, just don’t expect to see them anytime soon.

Can you wear cowboy boots anywhere? 

You can, but for some places it might seem inappropriate. 

When out in public, no police officer will stop and demand that you change your boots for something else.

Can you wear cowboy boots anywhere? 
Can you wear cowboy boots anywhere? 

You may, however, receive lots of attention by wearing cowboy boots.

When doing so, it helps to wear other cowboy things as well to get the best western look possible.

As for major events, such as weddings and romantic evenings with a significant other, wearing such boots will be accepted by a majority of people. Heck, some events even expect you to wear cowboy boots, especially for country concerts, and anything involving horses.

As we established already, it’s also okay to wear cowboy boots inside airports and onboard planes.

However, some events where you should avoid wearing them include:

  • Modern clubs (unless western-themed, avoid wearing cowboy gear)
  • Theater functions
  • Political events
  • Dates (unless your SO is okay with cowboy wear)

The fact of the matter is, wearing cowboy boots sends a bold message, and you’ll need a hefty amount of confidence to pull off the look in full.

If you simply don’t care, go ahead and wear them anyway, just be mindful of your purpose of wearing cowboy boots in the first place.

Will you have any problems going through TSA if you’re wearing cowboy boots?

You shouldn’t, unless there’s a lot of metal inside them. 

Will you have any problems going through TSA if you’re wearing cowboy boots?
Will you have any problems going through TSA if you’re wearing cowboy boots?

Some claim that wearing cowboy boots makes it easier to go through TSA checks due to the ability to slip them on and off with ease.

Whether you’re asked to remove them or not is just about anyone’s guess.

It depends on the agent and if there’s any metal within your footwear (you might set off the metal detectors).

Even if your cowboy boots are somewhat metallic, the TSA says it’s okay to travel with them on the plane, provided they don’t have any dangerous sharp accessories.

Even if you have to remove them regardless, it won’t be much of a hassle to do so.

What are some good cowboy boot brands for wearing on a plane? 

Pick ones that will keep you comfortable.

What are some good cowboy boot brands for wearing on a plane? 
What are some good cowboy boot brands for wearing on a plane? 

Some brands to consider include Justin and Old Gringo, but what’s even more important is that your boots are breathable so that your feet don’t end up sweating too much.

Even though cowboy boots aren’t known to stink too often, it’s still uncomfortable to have your feet locked inside sweltering and hot footwear. Focus less on the brand of boots, and more on what feels good to walk around in.

In the off-chance that you’re expected to place your cowboy boots in checked luggage, you can use this helpful guide as how to pack them away without causing damage.

This would be a good idea to consider well before arriving at the airport (check the rules online), so you don’t have to end up walking around in just your socks.

Final Thoughts

Everyone has their choice of style, and wearing cowboy boots on a plane won’t cause you much trouble.

No matter where you’re going, be assured that your slick western footwear will follow you, even high in the sky.