5 things to know about Cowboy boots with turned up toes

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Cowboy boots with turned up toes

Perhaps you’re thinking of getting a pair of cowboy boots, or are just curious about all the different types and seeing what the fuss is all about.

Whether you’re in it to wear them or just want a bit of knowledge to satisfy that curious itch in your mind, know that cowboy boots are made for certain lifestyles.

This kind of footwear either provides comfort and versatility for rugged work, or makes a bold statement.

In this article, we’ll discuss why turned up toes are used for cowboy boots, why Mexicans find pointy boots so popular, and the different shapes that pointed cowboy boots can take.

Why do cowboy boots have turned-up toes? 

Traditionally, it’s to make horse-riding easier. 

That point on the boot is there, making it easier for horse riders to put their feet into stirrups.

Why do cowboy boots have turned-up toes? 

In addition, a special angle around the ball of the foot is added so that the boots become locked in place once inserted.

Interestingly enough, this design originated as far back as 10th century in the form of what we know today as high heels.

Originally, the high heel was used primarily by men, making it easier to ride horses, and to keep steady when firing arrows from their trusty steeds.

Even famous bands such as Motley Crue may have used them in many of their live performances.

Aside from practicality, pointed-toed boots are mostly used as a popular fashion choice.

Ever since the early 2000’s, pointed toe cowboy boots have become all the rage among western men and women alike.

What is the point of Mexican pointy boots? 

The short answer is popularity.

What is the point of Mexican pointy boots? 

Also called trival boots, or “botas tribaleras” in Spanish, these kinds of footwear are mostly worn by Mexican men who take part in what’s referred to as “trival” music.

Also known as tribal guarachero, this brand is a fusion of regional Mexican music genres and electronic dance music.

Whereas the actual origin of these boots remains uncertain, some sources state that trival boots came from the Mexican state of Nuevo Leon, Monterrey in 2009.

The style then spread to various areas in the US such as Oklahoma, Tennessee, Mississippi, and Dallas, Texas.

Aside from being an eye-catching fashion statement, guys who wear these boots participate in group dance-offs at local nightclubs.

Some groups take great effort into coordinating their moves, and can spend weeks on end to get their routines just right.

This isn’t just for show either, the winning groups of these contests have been known to win up to $500 in prize money.

The more popular dance troupes have been hired to entertain for bachelorette parties and even weddings.

What are pointed toe cowboy boots called? 

It depends on the type of pointed toe.

What are pointed toe cowboy boots called? 

The pointed toe was originally made for versatility.

Today, it serves much of the same function, and not just for getting your foot into a stirrup.

If a boot has a very sharp point, it’s referred to as “needle pointed.”. If the toe has a tip that’s slightly blunted instead, it’s then referred to as a “snip toe.” Anything in-between those types is called “J toe.”

There’s also the square toe, a kind of boot that’s used for general outdoor work.

Whereas the traditional pointed toe is used for both horse riding and formal events, the square toe can also be used as a dress boot as well as anything that involves constant walking.

Some other types include the cutter toe, the round toe, and the regular square.

The name is defined as such, depending on the amount of foot space that each boot allows.

Should any of these kinds interest you, look at your own foot size to determine which kind of cowboy boot toe is best.

Anything with a pointy tip will usually be a bit tighter, and might require a certain level of swagger just to pull off.

If you’re looking for something more casual, it’s recommended that you pick a more blunt-tipped style of boot to allow more foot room, and therefore, more comfort.

Unless you’re a hardcore rancher or do a lot of horse-back riding, getting pointed tipped boots may not be a good idea.

The thinner tip has been known to make general walking uncomfortable, so before you decide on buying a pair of any kind of cowboy boots, make sure you know what you’ll use them for.

Final thoughts

Now that you have equipped yourself with a bit more knowledge than you had before, you might be more confident in trying out some turned-up cowboy boots yourself.

Or, if you’re bold enough, grab a pair of flashy trival boots and join a Mexican dancing troupe.

Whereas style is important for various reasons, pick a type that’s most comfortable for you and your purposes.

You don’t want to find yourself out on the ranch or on the dance floor just to have your toes start aching with pain after an hour or so of use.

Regardless of your personality or reasons, know that the pointed tip on cowboy boots is there for a reason, and not just an expression of fashion.

The style itself may change depending on cultural fads, or even to serve some practical purpose we are not yet aware of, but know that pointed toes will be hanging around for quite a while.