5 Tips For Wearing Cowboy Boots With Skinny Jeans

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When you’re looking for cowboy boots for skinny jeans, you might ask yourself, “can you wear skinny jeans with cowboy boots?”, “What boots can I wear with skinny jeans?”, and even “Should you wear cowboy boots with skinny jeans?”. 

While you’re the only one who can answer that, we can give some guidance. The best kinds of cowboy boots for skinny jeans are ones that can either slip under the jeans’ cuffs or fit over the legs.

You can wear cowboy boots with skinny jeans–and in some cases, you should while you should avoid it in others.

We’ll answer these questions more in-depth below.

Cowboy boots for skinny jeans

Depending on the occasion, different cowboy boots will work for different skinny jeans.

For women, having clean cowboy boots with delicate details on the shafts will pair wonderfully with skinny jeans. Since the skinny jeans will tuck into the shaft, they’ll show off the artful details (and your legs!).

For men, low cowboy boots might pair best with looser-fitting skinny jeans. This way, if you feel self-conscious, you can untuck the skinny jeans and slide them over the top of the opening.

For formal occasions, you’ll want to pair black or very dark skinny jeans with black cowboy boots if you choose to wear skinny jeans.

Can you wear skinny jeans with cowboy boots?

If you are new to wearing skinny jeans or cowboy boots (or both), you might wonder if these are a match made in heaven or a fashion disaster.

Can you wear skinny jeans with cowboy boots?

Like with all style choices, you can technically wear skinny jeans and cowboy boots together. The best question is, does wearing skinny jeans and cowboy boots work for your aesthetic or lifestyle?

When you’re out on the town shopping or grabbing a bite to eat, your footwear and pants combination isn’t as important. As long as you feel like skinny jeans and cowboy boots look good together in that case, that’s what matters.

But if you want to pair skinny jeans and cowboy boots together while you’re mucking horse stalls or doing other ranch activities, you might want to consider the circumstances on a case-by-case basis.

Another key factor in deciding whether to wear skinny jeans with cowboy boots is your gender.

Unless you are going for a non-traditional look, men should steer clear of skinny jeans when they’re wearing cowboy boots.

The cowboy boots and skinny jeans look is forgivable for women. Some women even prefer pairing skinny jeans with cowboy boots nowadays.

Still, if you’re going to an event or get your shoes muddy, you should wear pants or skirts that are suitable for the setting. 

Cowboy boots are designed with hard, dirty work in mind. Some cowboy boots might be specially designed to look attractive.

Still, if you’re wearing skinny jeans with your boots, you also should make sure that the boots are clean and in good condition. If a lady has a cute outfit that ends in muddy boots, it won’t be a good look.

What boots can I wear with skinny jeans?

With skinny jeans, most types of boots will work with them. Because of their skin-tight tapered style, they slide into most boots as long as the boots have some wiggle room. 

What boots can I wear with skinny jeans?

In the winter, you can tuck skinny jeans into snow boots or work boots. You can also wear skinny jeans with ankle boots. Since skinny jeans hug the ankles and lower calves, they won’t get caught on the bottom of low heels. 

You can technically wear skinny jeans with cowboy boots. As we mentioned earlier, though, you won’t want to do this as a man.

Unless you are trying to make a statement or don’t mind going against the grain, skinny jeans and cowboy boots aren’t a common masculine mix. For women, you can wear any kind of boots with skinny jeans, including cowboy boots.

In settings where jeans need to be tight and close to the skin, though, cowboy boots and skinny jeans might be a fine option.

After all, cowboys traditionally wore tight cuts of jeans to avoid getting their ankles snagged by rough weeds or animals.

With things like this, you can either read the room or go by the beat of your own drum. As long as you feel comfortable and cool, that’s what matters. Everyone else’s opinions only have as much weight as you give them.

Should you wear cowboy boots with skinny jeans?

Yes and no. Ultimately, the only person who can decide whether you should wear skinny jeans with cowboy boots is, well, you.

Should you wear cowboy boots with skinny jeans?

If you’re a man who is secure enough in your masculinity and country identity, there’s nothing wrong with wearing cowboy boots with skinny jeans.

What some people see as a clash of two styles others might view as an edgy contrast.

For all the ladies out there, cowboy boots and skinny jeans are becoming a popular country-style combo. We can’t tell you what to do, but if you want to look trendy while referencing your rural roots, skinny jeans and cowboy boots are a great look. 

Final thoughts 

If you’re deciding whether you should wear skinny jeans and cowboy boots, consider the setting, purpose, and audience. For men, it’s more complicated than it is for women.

Still, wear what you want and what makes you feel comfortable unless you have a dress code.